# drbcheck.cgi - dr. jørgen mash's DNS Datadase List Checker
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by dr. jørgen mash
# All rights reserved.
# Build on:
# Joe Jarrod's rbcheck-0.10-13 -
# This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# You can redistribute it and/or modify, if you do please drop
# me a line at drbcheck @ moensted.dk
my $ver = "1.5.10";
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# 27/09/06 1.5.10 New Declude link
# 19/08/06 1.5.9 Cosmetic changes to the web page, and more ad-includes
# 09/08/06 1.5.8 Make country codes humane
# 03/05/06 1.5.7 Stupid mail server owners try to be removed from whitelists - try to help them...
# 14/03/06 1.5.6 bit.nl has URL= in txt, fix webify
# 23/06/05 1.5.5 openrbl offline - removed the links to them
# 01/04/05 1.5.4 disallow robots to cache lookup pages using meta tag
# 15/11/04 1.5.3 removed broken counter
# 05/10/04 1.5.2 update link to openrbl lookups
# 18/09/03 1.5 Use of cookies to limit number of lookup's, and other minor changes
# 14/09/03 1.4.6 remove / from end, be more specific about what an ip address is...
# 29/08/03 1.4.5 Trustic is dead - R.I.P
# 27/08/03 1.4.4 osirusoft is no more - R.I.P
# 24/04/03 1.4.3 new links to SenderBase
# 04/03/03 1.4.2 new order in link to other resources, and new whois
# 08/02/03 1.4.1 Compleate redesign of lookup we now send our all queries at the beginning, and read then late on...
# 01/02/03 1.3.16 Add link to Trustic
# 23/01/03 1.3.15 Include link to form for new rbl's, do not make human readable timestamps if first digit is 0
# 15/12/02 1.3.14 Spam Links changed the URL
# 12/11/02 1.3.13 add link to -10 prev and next +10 ip address lookup.
# 12/11/02 1.3.12 browers that understand now gets the long name when howering timeout sites
# 12/11/02 1.3.11 /000\.000\.000\.000/ is now /0+\.0+\.0+\.0+/
# 10/11/02 1.3.10 ^http$ don't need links
# 08/11/02 1.3.9 moved external links around
# 07/11/02 1.3.8 ip numbers written as 123-123-123-123 are now striped to
# 21/10/02 1.3.7 don't cache if there is nothing to lookup
# 20/10/02 1.3.6 remove ()[] from addr input
# 20/10/02 1.3.5 changes to make the cache work more usefull
# 20/10/02 1.3.4 use CGI::Cache (http://cgicache.sourceforge.net/) to speedup lookup times
# 20/10/02 1.3.3 webify from GIRL TXT records
# 19/10/02 1.3.2 Add link to Spam Links
# 17/10/02 1.3.1 Add PayPal link....
# 03/10/02 1.3.0 Removed CGI lib - and only show listings with acutal IP addresses in the lookup
# 24/09/02 1.2.4 now shows timeout >= and not >
# 23/09/02 1.2.3 change , to . before we try to resolv the input
# 15/09/02 1.2.2 drbsites now has a type field - stay tuned to figure how it will be used...
# 06/09/02 1.2.1 minor changes to the email detect in webify to handel DRBL server@ns/ is not a e-mail
# 02/09/02 1.2.0 new webify sub, creates clickable content from txt records (ides from Joe's 0.12-46) njabl time stamp now readable
# ...
# 09/06/02 1.0.0 First major update.
# - moved the list to it's own file to make updates more easy.
# - new field in drbsites: optional name server.
# - removed links to local script in drbsites to save space.
# - changed all lookups to use Net::DNS (faster?)
# - removed JIPPG code
# - only shows common RBL's in nomatch part of result page
# - don't look up, if no ip/host
$beg = time;
%param = &readinput;
%cookies = &readcookies;
$debug = 1 if $param{'debug'};
$nocache = 1 if $param{'nocache'};
$lookuplimit = 30; # min time in sec between lookups that are not cached
$nextlookup = $beg-$cookies{'lastcall'};
if ($param{'addr'}) {
$test = $param{'addr'};
$test =~ s/\s+/\./g if $test =~ /^\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+$/; # I'm stupid and type space instead of .
$test =~ s/\s+//g;
$test =~ s/\(|\)|\[|\]//g;
$test =~ s/\,/\./g; # I'm stupid and type , instead of .
$test =~ s/\-/\./g if $test =~ /^\d+\-\d+\-\d+\-\d+$/; # I'm stupid and type - instead of .
$test =~ s/\/$//;
$test =~ s/\.$//;
$test = "" if $test =~ /0+\.0+\.0+\.0+/;
if ($test){
use CGI::Cache;
CGI::Cache::setup( { cache_options =>
{ max_size => 20 * 1024 * 1024,
default_expires_in => 3600,
} );
CGI::Cache::set_key( $test );
CGI::Cache::invalidate_cache_entry() if ($nocache && ($nextlookup >= $lookuplimit));
&log ("cache $test < $nocache");
CGI::Cache::start() or exit;
$script = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
$script =~ s/(.*)\/index.*/\1\//; # we don't want /index.cgi
$drbsitesrev = 0;
require 'drbsites.txt'; # http://www.moensted.dk/spam/drbsites.txt
if (($test && ($nextlookup < $lookuplimit)) || ($ENV{HTTP_REFERER} =~ /d\:\/MASSEND 2002\.htm/)) {
CGI::Cache::stop(0) if $test;
&log("wait $test < ".($lookuplimit-$nextlookup));
require 'htmlright.txt' if -e "htmlright.txt";
print "
U bent gelimiteerd tot 1 lookup elke $lookuplimit seconden, u kunt het weer
proberen over ",($lookuplimit-$nextlookup)," seconden
print " De lookup's die zijn gecached kunt u nog wel oproepen. ";
} elsif ($test) {
my %sock = ();
use Net::DNS;
use Locale::Country;
$::RESOLVER = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
$tcptimeout = 5; # the default timeout is 120 seconds (2 minutes)
$delay = $tcptimeout;
&sendquery("test", "$test");
print "Set-Cookie: lastcall=$beg\n";
print " ";
print "Attentie: Niet al de onderstaande lijsten zijn bedoeld als black/block lijsten! ";
print "U staat ALTIJD op tenminste drie van deze lijsten. Dit wil niet zeggen dat u een spammer bent! \n";
require 'htmlright.txt' if -e "htmlright.txt";
@resolved = &readquery("test");
if (@resolved) {
print "Resolved $test";
for my $resolved (@resolved) {
print " to $resolved";
print " \n";
$resolved = pop @resolved;
if ($test =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
($a,$b,$c,$d) = split (/\./,$test);
$host = $resolved;
} else {
($a,$b,$c,$d) = split (/\./,$resolved);
$host = $test;
} elsif ($test =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
($a,$b,$c,$d) = split (/\./,$test);
print "[$test]";
} else {
print "no IP found for $test - try again ";
print "\n";
$count=0; $numberoftest=0;
&log ("lookup $a.$b.$c.$d ($param{'addr'})");
$lasttime = $beg;
foreach $rblsite (@drbsites) {
$duration = (time - $lasttime);
$lasttime = time;
print "<\;-- took $duration !! $rblcode " if ($debug);
($rblcode,$rbls,$rblw,$rbln,$rblp,$rbabout,$rbstatus,$rblremoval,$longname,$ok,$txt,$type,$rbldns) = split ('\x3b',$rblsite);
&log ("$rblcode ". (time - $beg) ) if $debug;
if ($ok) {
$test1 = join (".",$d,$c,$b,$a,$rbls);
$ipfound = 0;
my @r1 = &readquery($rblcode);
if (@r1[-1] =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) {
&sendquery($rblcode.about,$rbabout,"TXT",$rbldns) if ($rbabout);
if (&istype($type,"8")) {
print "* - Niet geblokkeerd door deze lijst! Dit toont is je ISP. Er is geen reden voor verwijdering! - * ";
if (&istype($type,"10")) {
print "* - Niet geblokkeerd door deze lijst! Dit toont je land. Er is geen reden voor verwijdering! - * ";
if (&istype($type,"80")) {
print "* - Niet geblokkeerd door deze lijst! Dit is een whitelist of een joke list. Er is geen reden voor verwijdering! - * ";
print "+ ".($rblp ? "$rblcode": $rblcode)." $longname: ";
print ($rblw ? "$rbls " : "$rbls ");
for my $r1 (@r1) {
print " -> $r1";
print "";
if ($txt) {
my @txtinfo2 = &readquery($rblcode.txt);
foreach my $n1 (@txtinfo2) {
my @narr = split ('\x22',$n1);
foreach my $narrl (@narr) {
print " " . &webify($narrl) if ($narrl);
if ($rbabout) {
my @txtinfo = &readquery($rblcode.about);
foreach my $n1 (@txtinfo) {
print " about: ";
my @narr = split ('\x22',$n1);
foreach my $narrl (@narr) {
print (&webify($narrl));
print "";
print " [removal]" if ($rblremoval);
print " \n";
} else { # Not listet
$timeoutsites .= "" . ($rblw ? "$rblcode " : "$rblcode ") . "" if ((time - $lasttime) >= $tcptimeout);
if ($ok == 2) {
$nomatch .= "- ".($rblp ? "$rblcode": $rblcode)." $longname: ";
$nomatch .= ($rblw ? "$rbls " : "$rbls ");
$nomatch .= "[Nominate] " if ($rbln);
$nomatch .= " [Check DNS] " if ($rbstatus);
$nomatch .= " \n";
} else { # We can't test
if ($txt) {
$notesting .= ($rblp ? "? $rblcode" : "? $rblcode");
$notesting .= " $longname: ";
$notesting .= ($rblw ? "$rbls (click for manual search)" : $rbls);
$notesting .= " \n";
print "\n[<<|<]";
print " $a.$b.$c.$d ";
print "[>|>>] ";
print "was found in $count lists (of $numberoftest tested) \n";
print "Attentie: U staat ALTIJD op tenminste drie van deze lijsten. Dit wil niet zeggen dat u een spammer bent. Ook
betekent dit niet altijd dat iemand gebruik maakt van een van de lijsten om mail van uw te blokkeren! \n";
print "Geselecteerde lijst waar niet is getest en het kan dus zijn dat u hier wel op staat: $notesting" if
print "[news:*abuse*: $a.$b.$c.$d";
print " | $host" if $host;
print "] [SpamCop: Checkblock | ";
print "why ORBS] ";
print "[SenderBase: $a.$b.$c.$d/24";
print " | $host" if $host;
print "] \n";
print "[whois $a.$b.$c.$d";
print " | $host" if $host;
print "] [SS Macro: $a.$b.$c.$d";
print " | $host" if $host;
# print "] [Whois/NS-Delegation: "; # $a.$b.$c.$d |
# print "$host" if $host;
print "] \n";
print "[DNSbl's "; #openrbl |
print "SamSpade | ";
print "Multi-RBL | ";
print "fpsn.net | ";
print "DnsStuff | ";
print "Reynolds spam db] ";
print "Selected lists where $a.$b.$c.$d was not found: $nomatch" if $nomatch;
print " Click here to view the full list of DNSbl's\n";
} else {
print "Welkom op de webhostingtalk.nl DNSBL database list checker. ";
print "Het kan even duren voordat de resultaten getoond worden (gemiddelde lookup tijd is 10 seconden)! De
meeste van de onderstaande " . scalar(@drbsites) . " lijsten worden geraadpleegd. ";
print " Voor meer informatie over de lijsten kunt u op de eerste link van de regel klikken of kijken op Declude. ";
print "\n";
sub istype {
my ($type, $query) = @_;
my @bintype = reverse(split("",unpack("B32", pack("N", hex($type)))));
my @binquery = reverse(split("",unpack("B32", pack("N", hex($query)))));
do {
my $a = pop @bintype;
my $b = pop @binquery;
return 1 if ($b && $a);
} while (@bintype);
return 0;
sub listall {
foreach $rblsite (@drbsites) {
($rblcode,$rbls,$rblw,$rbln,$rblp,$rbabout,$rbstatus,$rblremoval,$longname,$ok,$txt,$type,$rbldns) = split ('\x3b',$rblsite);
print ($ok ? "+ ":($txt ? "? ": "- "));
print ($rblp ? "$rblcode" : $rblcode);
print " $longname: ";
print ($rblw ? "$rbls" : $rbls);
print " \n";
print " + check, - won't check, ? can't check \n";
sub head {
my $nobot = shift;
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n";
print qq!whtdnsblcheck: webhostingtalk.nl DNSBL database list checker!;
print qq!! if $nobot eq "nobot";
print qq!!;
print qq!\n!;
require 'htmltop.txt' if -e "htmltop.txt";
if (@latestchange) {
for my $change (@latestchange) {
print qq! $change !;
print "";
print qq!\n\n!;
sub footer {
print "\n[Declude DNSB List | ";
print "Spam Links] ";
print "[Compare] ";
# &counter;
require 'htmlbuttom.txt' if -e "htmlbuttom.txt";
$ende = time - $beg;
print "Lookup time: $ende sec. ";
print "\nTimeouts, not looked up: $timeoutsites" if $timeoutsites;
print qq!\n
sub mx_records {
my $mxhost = shift;
$mxhost =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my @mx_list = &readquery("MX$mxhost");
shift @mx_list if ($mx_list[0] !~ /^\d/);
if (@mx_list) {
shift @mx_list while ($mx_list[0] !~ /.* \d*/);
if ($mx_list[0] =~ /.* \d*/) {
if ($#mx_list == 0) {
print "[$mxhost has " . ($#mx_list + 1) ." MX record";
} elsif ($#mx_list > 0) {
print "[$mxhost has " . ($#mx_list + 1) . " MX records";
} else {
print "[error resolving MX for $mxhost]";
return 1;
for $mx (@mx_list) {
($smtp_pref,$smtp_result) = split (" ",$mx);
print " $smtp_result($smtp_pref)";
print "]\n";
} else {
print "$mxhost has no MX records";
my @splitter = split (/\./,$mxhost);
shift @splitter;
if (scalar(@splitter) > 1) {
my $newhost = join ('.',@splitter);
print " -> ";
sub rblbgsend {
foreach my $rblsite (@drbsites) {
my ($rblcode,$rbls,$rblw,$rbln,$rblp,$rbabout,$rbstatus,$rblremoval,$longname,$ok,$txt,$type,$rbldns) = split ('\x3b',$rblsite);
&log (" $rblcode ". (time - $beg) ) if $debug;
if ($ok) {
my $test1 = join (".",$d,$c,$b,$a,$rbls);
&sendquery($rblcode.txt,$test1,"TXT",$rbldns) if ($txt);
sub sendquery {
my $id = shift;
my $lookup = shift;
my $type = shift;
my @dns = @_;
my @ns = $::RESOLVER->nameservers; # store default nameservers
&log (" bgsend $id $lookup $type $dns") if $debug;
$::RESOLVER->nameservers(@dns,"") if @dns; # set other if apropiate
$sock{$id} = $::RESOLVER->bgsend($lookup,$type);
$::RESOLVER->nameservers(@ns) # restore default nameservers
sub readquery {
my $id = shift;
my $timeout = shift;
my @returns = ();
#my $delay = ($timeout?$timelout: $tcptimeout);
#warn ("read $id");
while (($delay > 0) and (not $::RESOLVER->bgisready($sock{$id}))) {
select(undef, undef, undef, $::WAIT_INCREMENT);
$delay -= $::WAIT_INCREMENT;
my $result = $::RESOLVER->errorstring;
if ($::RESOLVER->bgisready($sock{$id})) {
# my $result = $::RESOLVER->errorstring;
my $look = $::RESOLVER->bgread($sock{$id});
&log (" $test Query:$socket -> $result/OK\n") if $debug;
if ($look) {
for $answer ($look->answer) {
my @ansr = split ('\x22',$answer->rdatastr);
foreach my $ans (@ansr) {
push @returns, $ans if ($ans);
} else {
&log ( "noQuery $test :$id:$socket -> $result");
$sock{$id} = undef;
return @returns;
# sub counter {
# my $counterVar;
# print "";
# $file =~ s/(.*)\/.*/\1/;
# $file .= "/drbcheck.cnt"; # must be readable/writable by your webserver's user
# open (FILE, "+>>" , $file) or &log (" cannot open $file for reading and appending: $!");
# flock(FILE, 2) or &log ( "cannot lock $file exclusively: $!");
# seek FILE, 0, 0;
# my @file_contents = ; # we use an array even though there won't be more than a single line of data here.
# if ($file_contents[0] =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
# $counterVar = $1; # $1 is captured by the ()'s in the regular expression
# $counterVar++; # auto-increment the same variable with 1
# truncate FILE, 0;
# print (FILE $counterVar);
# } else {
# $counterVar = "COUNTER ERROR"; # the regular expression didn't match
# }
# close (FILE);
# print "This page has been accessed $counterVar times since June 8. 2002 ";
# }
sub webify {
my $line = shift;
my $return = "";
my @words = split(" ",$line);
foreach my $word (@words) {
if ($word =~ /^$|\">|\'>|href/i) {
# do nothing
} elsif ($word =~ /^<(.*)>$/) {
$word = "<\;".&webify("$1")."\>\;";
} elsif ($word =~ /^https?\:\/\/.+/i) {
$word = "$word";
} elsif ($word =~ /^URL([:\=])(.*)$/i) {
$word = "URL$1".&webify("$2");
} elsif ((($word =~ /(^[^\:]+:)([^\@]*\@[\w\.-]*)(.*)$/) || ($word =~ /^()([^\@]*\@[\w\.-]*)(.*)$/)) && ($word !~ /\@.*\/.*/)) {
$word = "$1$2$3";
} elsif (($word =~ /^\d{10,}$/) && ($word !~ /^0/)) { # NJABL.org and other time stamps in human form
my $time = localtime ($word);
$time =~ s/00:00:00 //;
$word = "$word ($time)";
} elsif ($word =~ /^CC\=(\w{2})$/i) {
$word = "CC=$1 (" . code2country(lc($1)) . ")";
} elsif ($word =~ /^(.*)\.(\d{10,})$/) {
if ($2 !~ /^0/) { # JIPPG style
my $time = localtime ($2);
$time =~ s/00:00:00 //;
$word = "$1.$2 ($time)";
} else {
$word =~ s/\\<\;/g;
$word =~ s/\>/\>\;/g;
$return .= $word . " ";
chop($return); # we have one space in the end - remove that
if ($return =~ /^(\w{2})$/i) {
$return = "$1 (" . code2country(lc($1)) . ")";
return $return;
sub readinput {
my $input = shift;
my (@fields,%param);
unless ($input) {
} elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') {
$input = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
} else {
$input =~ tr/+/ /;
foreach my $i (@fields) {
my ($field,$data) = split(/=/,$i);
$field =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$data =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$param{$field} = $data;
return %param;
sub readcookies {
my (@fields,%param);
foreach my $i (@fields) {
my ($field,$data) = split(/=/,$i);
$field =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$field =~ s/^ //ge;
$data =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$param{$field} = $data;
return %param;
sub nextip {
my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = split /\./,shift;
my $change = shift;
my $startaddr = (($a <<24) +($b <<16) +($c<<8) +$d);
my $newip = $startaddr + $change;
$a = ($newip >>24);
$b = (($newip >>16) &255);
$c = (($newip >>8) &255);
$d = ($newip &255);
return ("$a.$b.$c.$d");
sub log {
my $string = shift;
# warn ("[".localtime(time)."] [drbcheck] [client $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] ".(" " x (15-length($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}))) . "$string\n");
warn ("[drbcheck] [client $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] ".(" " x (15-length($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}))) . "$string\n");